Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Inner Beauty

I am sharing this link for a great reason. Julia has an amazing core. She is smart, she can sing, dance, story tell, laugh, create, imagine and listen. All of these amazing qualities have nothing to do with how cute she is, and they don't need to. She is beautiful because of how God created her. We as a family are choosing to follow the lead of this article. We ask that as you interact with her you follow suit. If you need ideas feel free to ask! If you know you are going see her have a sentence ready so you don't get stage fright :)

Why is it so important for us to address this? Julia has learned some traits in her earlier years that are defense or survival related. One of those traits are getting what she wants due to her captivating appearance and charm. It is very clear to her team and to us that she has perfected this skill and is quite successful in using it. Inner beauty last a life time, it is built upon, shared with others, respected and crucial to having self respect and confidence.

With everything we are working on with Julia, the end goal is to give her life tools, regardless of what stage she is in. Her foundation is going to be built on knowing she is respected for what she is made of, not how cute she can look posing for a camera.

How do I learn just who I am? 
I learn from you who I am.
Within your eyes I see
reflected me.
Within your voice I hear
how you see me
You are the mirror that I look into
and mold the image of myself.
I sense the way you hold me,
and from your touch
I feel my form, my shape.
And if I like what I see in
your eyes,
your voice,
your touch--
My heart responds and reaches out.
Then in its reaching, grows and grows,
until I see myself
as separate.
That sparate self--in turn--
can love you back.
Because you taught me
who I am,
and I am loved.