Wednesday, December 7, 2011

what do you do?

We all learn differently. We have different interests, passions, dislikes, skills and struggles. If we all learned the same there wouldn't be half the new discoveries we have today. So it is that each child learns differently.

So what do you do with a child who has so many different levels of development? What we have learned is to start from the beginning and work forward. Julia has an amazing academic intellect, she has an amazing passion for the arts, which makes sense with her being such a great visual learner.

Over the past month or so we have once again tweaked our parenting approach ( I think we may have it figured out by the time we retire!).  We had to look at Julia, who she was, where she has come from, where she wants to be and how we can help her get to a positive place. Through the help of our team and some other exterior supports we have worked very hard once again to make the scaffolding for Julia's daily interactions. It isn't easy! As most of you know i am a HUGE creature of habit and I never like to admit defeat.  So changing things is never an easy task in my world!

So where are we at now? We have made some progress and we have regressed. Most of our tactics mimic the parenting a one year old right now. It has taken a lot to go back to toddler world, but it has also brought a new peace of not micro managing (don't worry, i am still micromanaging the cats). With this peace however has brought up for Julia truly where she is developmentally.

My mom read a story one time about where to guide a student. A student got a A, a B, and a D, so which subject do you make him/her work at? My natural instinct would be the D... pull up that grade! Who wouldn't  want to make the D better? The answer is A. The A is what they are good at, what they are passionate about, what the feel in their heart... that is what you encourage then! Julia loves the arts, so that is where we are at. We have a 5 year old with strong struggles, but she has a passion for art. So we plug away everyday at the struggles, but we encourage the passions; coloring, movement, stories, music etc.

She is Julia, made by God. We are doing are best to help her cope and give her the tools to thrive, with the end goal of being understood by her peer group. Jules family partner and I were talking yesterday and I think we might be onto something... "no one in life is totally stable, it is all in how you use your resources"  :)

1 comment:

  1. I think you are an extaordinary family. I admire all that you and Ben do for your family. You are great role models for your children in many ways, teaching them that when things are not perfect there are ways to deal with issues at hand. I think you are a great gift to Jules, Caleb and Ella.....and each other.
